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Intersex: making the I in LGBTIQ+ visible

30th October 2024 @ 4:00 PM 7:00 PM

Trans+@WorkplacePride kindly invites you to join us at Accenture Nederland for an inspiring session about intersex experiences.

Location: Accenture, Gustav Mahlerplein 90, 1082 MA Amsterdam – Reception on the 17th floor

Online location: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87632825997?pwd=P33Ta3P0rH1hOuqP6F8auPWqzbW17o.1

Meeting ID: 876 3282 5997

Passcode: 645514

Date: 30 October 2024
Time: 16:00 -19:00 – including drinks & bites (Live stream from 16.00 – 17.30)

Intersex: making the I in LGBTIQ+ visible

People with intersex experiences are one of most invisible people in the LGBTIQ+ spectrum. Some people might even say that the I stands for invisible. It’s about time to make the I in LGBTIQ+ visible!

Join us to learn how intersex experiences (or sex diversity as it’s also called) differs, or are similar, from other experiences in the trans+ community. What terms you should know when talking about this group of people and what challenges they face. After covering the basics to ensure everyone is on the same page, we hear a personal story from Merel, who will tell her story: from childhood to working life and how her experiences impacted her. We close with a panel session to hear from frontrunner Accenture what employers and colleagues can do to support these people.


15:30 Doors open
16:00-16:05 Welcome by host Sophie Jeckmans (Workplace Pride)
16:05-16:25 Intersex, what is it? by Mir Abe Marinus / Tinka Krikke (NNID)
16:25-16:50 Lived intersex experiences by Merel Ritsma (self employed)

16:50-17:10 Panel session: what does Intersex inclusion look like

                      Host: Marinka Sybesma (Accenture)

                      Panellists: Javier Leonor (Accenture), Mir Abe or Tinka, Merel and Kai Levson (Workplace Pride)

17:10-17:30 Open Q&A
17:30-19:00 Drinks and food at Dickys Grand Cafe 

About NNID:

NNID is an intersex-led human rights organisation dedicated to achieving equality and empowerment for intersex individuals while promoting visibility and acceptance of intersex and sex diversity in society. Together with intersex organisations worldwide, we build expertise and shape definitions, terminology, and content in these areas.

Travel advice from Accenture

Please note for those joining in person, Accenture is strongly suggesting to come by public transport. The offices are just a short 5 min walk away from Amsterdam Zuid station. While there are public parking facilities in the neighbourhood, it’s best to make a reservation. There are limited parking spaces available for people with mobility needs. If you require a spot, please indicate this later on in this form.