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16th October 2024 @ 1:00 PM 4:30 PM

How government, education and industry can join forces for an inclusive region

The road to becoming an inclusive region is not something one organisation can do alone: we need to build bridges. Educational institutions, companies and industry, and the local government can join forces to build the conditions for LGBTQ+ people to thrive. Whether you are a student that want to stay after your studies, nearing retirement and looking for a safe healthcare provider, or a business looking to attract and retain talent; building bridges is the way to go.

At this year’s Pride Symposium, Th!nk with Pride UT and Saxion offer an interesting program with research talks, business insights, and an executive panel. This Symposium is part of the Rainbow Days Enschede, a week full of activities on LGBTQ+ themes, open to all. You are invited!

When: Wednesday 16th of October
Time: 13:00 till 16:30 (walk-in at 12:30, drinks start at 16:30)
Location: Burgerzaal, at the Municipality House of Enschede (Langestraat 24, Enschede)
Entrance fee: free
Language: this is an English-spoken event

This is a free event, but registration is mandatory. The event is open to all, you do not need to be connected to Saxion or the University of Twente. Bring your friend/colleague/neighbour!

What can you expect? In short:

12:30 Walk-In

13:00 Opening by the government of Enschede and Th!nk with Pride

13:30 Research sessions

  • “Wellbeing of queer youth” – Tessa Dekkers and Jan Behrens (UT)
  • “From Independence to Care: The Residential Shift of Surinamese LGBTI+ Elders” – Riona Jansen (Saxion)
  • “Computers says no: how technology impacts workplace inclusion” – Maren Behrensen (UT)

14:30 Break

14:50 Business sessions

  • “How to build bridges between shop floor and office” – Renan Machado Cardos (Eaton)
  • “When inclusion ignites ambition” – Alex Bakhuis (Pink Pearl, Shell)
  • “Being your authentic self in the workspace” – Kaneesha Nadal (Kite Pharma)

15:50 Executive panel: reflect on the day and discuss how to build and strengthen the bridges

  • JS&V Exaltio (LGBTQ+ association Enschede)
  • Association Queer (LGBTQ+ association Deventer)
  • Kite Pharma
  • Industriële Kring Twente (Industrial Circle Twente)
  • Enschede Municipality

16:25 Closing

16:30 Drinks