Trans+@Workplace Pride & Tech@Workplace Pride kindly invite you to join us at Google Nederland for an inspiring session about the human side of AI. Location: Google Nederland, Claude Debussylaan 34, 8th floor, 1082 MD Amsterdam
Online location:
Date: 16 November 2023
Time: 16:00 -19:00 – including drinks & bites (Live stream from 16.00 – 17.30)
The human side of AI
Transgender Awareness week, observed November 13 to November 19, is coming up! It is a week aimed at improving the visibility of transgender people and building awareness for the issues this community faces.
To help this cause, trans+@WP worked together with tech@WP to organize an event to discuss the impact artificial intelligence (AI) has on marginalized groups, with special attention to the transgender community.
We all hear stories about the latest technologies and their shortcomings, but what goes on behind the scenes? Join us to hear from Dr Jasmijn Bastings (Senior Research Scientist, Google DeepMind), Danny Belitz (Senior Data Scientist and Senior Consultant for Responsible AI, IBM), and Marion Mulder (FutureMaker and Digital Strategist, MuldiMedia).
Jasmijn will talk about bias in AI and how we can make AI more inclusive, Danny about the key pillars of responsible AI and the importance of AI Governance, and finally Marion will zoom out and talk about what world we want to live in with AI.
There will be ample time to ask burning questions during the panel session hosted by trans+@WP lead Sophie Jeckmans.
15:30 Doors open
16:00-16:05 Welcome by host Sophie Jeckmans
16:05-16:25 Jasmijn Bastings
16:25-16:45 Danny Belitz
16:45-17:00 Marion Mulder
17:00-17:30 Panel session & Q&A
17:30-19:00 Drinks and food
Travel advice from Google
Please note for those joining in person, Google is strongly suggesting to come by public transport. The offices are just a short 5 min walk away from Amsterdam Zuid. While there are public parking facilities in the neighbourhood, it’s best to make a reservation. There are limited parking spaces available for disabled people at the Google offices themselves.