Workplace Pride Surveys

The Workplace Pride employee surveys have been created to measure the perceptions and opinions of LGBTIQ+ people in the workplace worldwide. As we enter a new decade, the scope of our surveys need to broaden to include the concept of asking employees “what they think” regarding LGBTIQ+ inclusion as opposed to solely the employers perspectives.

Our surveys have two distinctly differing versions:

The Global Employee Survey (GES)

The Workplace Pride Global Employee Survey (GES):

This ongoing version supports the scientific research of the Workplace Pride Chair at Leiden University, Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn. The goal here is to provide empirically scientific data from potentially any LGBTIQ+ person (and their colleagues worldwide) on how they perceive their employer’s policies and practices on LGBTIQ+ inclusion. The GES will be ongoing throughout the year.

The Organisational Employee Survey (OES)

The Workplace Pride Organisational Employee Survey (OES):

This new version primarily targets employees working for Workplace Pride Member organisations. It can be used as a ‘control mechanism’ for participants of the Workplace Pride Global Benchmark to determine how their policies and practices that are measured via the Global Benchmark, are actually perceived by their employees.

The OES is strictly anonymous. Responses are collected in a separate survey for each participating organisation. The OES is free to Workplace Pride Members. Results formats are differentiated based upon membership level.

Non Workplace Pride Members may participate in the OES for a fee.


A: Please speak with your relationship manager or write to [email protected]. We will then set up an individual, tailor-made approach to the OES that fits your organisation.

A: The OES is one of the few monitoring instruments that specifically covers employees’ perceptions of LGBTIQ+ policies and practices and the only one that is designed to function on a cross-border basis.

A: We recommend that you work closely with your LGBTIQ+ employee network to highlight the unique opportunity that the OES offers. It can also be positioned by your HR and Communications department as a sincere effort to gather feedback on a sensitive issue.

A: For top decision-makers the OES can be positioned as a ‘temperature gauge’ of their organisation’s direction as an employer while with D&I professionals it can be seen as a good control mechanism of LGBTIQ+polices and practices.

A: The OES is free to members of Workplace Pride. Non-members pay an administrative fee of €1,000.-.

A: This depends on how the baseline survey is altered, and how they identify but it does take some effort - at least 15 minutes.

A: While this is possible, Workplace Pride will not be able to do the evaluations if parts of the survey are done independently.

A: This depends on when each organisation decides to distribute the OES.
We can also stipulate specific dates that the survey has to be completed by.

A: Not directly. The Global Benchmark measures an organisation’s policies and practices while the OES employees perceptions. However, every effort will be made in the results analysis to draw general conclusions that will be useful for (organisational) participants of both surveys.

A: Individual responses will never be published. If there are enough responses from several organisations, and general trends can be identified, these may be published, however they will never include references to individual organisations: neither directly nor by inference.

A: Yes, if the sample size is large enough, but only for the identification of general trends. References to individual organisations will never be published, neither directly nor by inference.

A: This is a possibility that is currently being explored.

A: The OES is free to members of Workplace Pride. Non-members pay an administrative fee of €1,000.-.

A: A maximum of once per year for Workplace Pride members.

A: Yes, if the sample size from your organisation is large enough and if you participate over a number of years consecutively.

A: No, it targets the perceptions of all employees about an organisation’s LGBTIQ+ policies and practices.

A: Workplace Pride will ensure that the OES is fully anonymous. Technical arrangements will be made but organisations can never have access to the raw data.

A: There will be a degree of flexibility with the questions of the OES depending on each individual organisation. IP rights rights belong to Workplace Pride and help ensure anonymity and data protection.

A: As the “Workplace Pride Organisational Employee Survey”. However, individual or custom branding within your own organisation can be

A: Yes. The OES gives participating organisations a good indication if the LGBTIQ+ policies and practices are moving in the right direction. You will be able to determine if your communications on this topic have had the impact you thought, or if the general direction of your LGBTIQ+ policies and practices are in line with your employee’s lived experiences.

For more information please write to [email protected]