Workplace Pride Organisational Employee Survey
At a glance
The Organisational Employee Survey (OES) consists of 6 sections, each representing major components of the survey. Below is an example from each section which gives an indication of the types of questions that are asked in the OES.
Section 1: Background questions
Section 2: Organisational climate
Section 3: LGBTI allies
Section 4: Your workplace experiences (LGBTI employees only)
Section 5: Your self-perceptions (LGBTI employees only)
Section 6: Your work-related attitudes and engagement
Section 1: Background questions
This section includes questions recording employees’ country of work, number of work hours, organisational role, age, education, cultural/ethnic background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and the extent to which they feel dissimilar to others at work.
Section 2: Organisational climate
This section includes questions measuring employees’ perceptions of the organisational climate for inclusion, their views on the relevance of sexual orientation and gender identity to the workplace, their diversity ideology, and their perceptions of and support for organisational inclusion initiatives.
Section 3: LGBTI allies
This section includes questions assessing employees’ views on people who are allies of the LGBTI employees within their workplace, their ideas of how allies can contribute to the workplace, and what the organisation can do to promote allies.
Section 4: Your workplace experiences (LGBTI employees only)
This section specifically relates to the workplace experiences and views of LGBTI employees. It assesses the extent to which these employees are OUT at and outside of work, their reasons for (not) being OUT, any difficulties they experienced in coming out, and the impact they think (not) being OUT has had on their career progression and productivity to date. It also assesses any negative treatment these employees experienced and whether they reported this.
Section 5: Your self-perceptions
(LGBTI employees only)
This section assesses the extent to which LGBTI employees have internalised society’s negative perceptions of their group, and the extent to which they experience negative emotions in relation to their LGBTI status.
Section 6: Your work-related attitudes and engagement
This section assesses employees’ work-related attitudes and engagement, specifically their sense of workplace safety and inclusion, their organisational identification, job satisfaction, work-related stress, subjective absenteeism, turnover intentions, and subjective performance.