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Video Interviews
Here you will find a selection of brief video interviews with impressions from the 2022 international conference participants. Hear from some of our plenary speakers, board members, attendees, and organisers.
Here you will find a selection of brief video interviews with impressions from the conference participants from 2019. Hear from some of our plenary speakers, board members, attendees, and organisers.
Interview with Margot Slattery, Plenary Speaker.
Interview with Tim Mohin, Plenary Speaker.
Interview with Hans Docter, Plenary Speaker.
Interview with Marriët Schuurman, Plenary Speaker.
Interview with David Pollard, Executive Director of the Workplace Pride Foundation.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn, Workplace Pride Chair at the University of Leiden
Interview with Michiel Kolman, Workplace Pride Board Member
Interview with members
Interview with Diederik Oelrich Winkelaar from KLM.
Interviews by Mike Greenwood, Camera: Tom van Klingeren.
Conference Closing message from the organisers
Video by Frits by der Sman
Breakout Sessions
There were 12 breakout sessions during the conference. Each attendee could choose to participate in 2 of them, one in the morning and the second one after the lunch break. The workshop covered diverse, relevant LGBTI topics ranging from Sustainability reporting to Lesbian visibility at work. Below, you will find images, videos and slides from the most popular session.
Session name: Where are all the women?
This session looked into the topic of women’s visibility at work and it was one of the most popular breakout sessions during the conference.
Session leads: Marion Mulder and Christine Holtkamp
Watch the video of this session here:
Video edited by Peter Vroemen
Watch the video “Where are the Women?” by Anna Tijsseling
Why are representation and diversity so important? And which limits do identity politics posit? Important themes and paradoxes to think about when we address the question: where are the women in lgbtqi-projects/communities?
Presentations /Slides
Where are all the (lesbian*) women by Marion Mulder from Workplace Pride Foundation.

Research into the low visibility of same-sex attracted women in the workplace.
By Stephanie Hardy from PwC.

Where are all the Women? Breakout session description:
With more than 200 major employers have signed the UN LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business, there is undeniable momentum and a desire for progress on a global scale. Supporters are keen to create working environments which are truly inclusive of LGBTI Staff and take into account their LGBTI customers and communities in which they do business. But moving from ‘policy to practice’ and ‘advocacy to action’ in sometimes difficult, bureaucratic or politically charged environments can be challenging! This highly interactive breakout session brings together companies which have endured the Standards, D&I experts and representatives from the LGBTI community to tackle the challenging questions surrounding this important and far-reaching initiative.
Breakout session participants will gain practical knowledge of how to create awareness, engage executive leaders and colleagues in their own organisation on this topic.
Through interactive discussions, case studies and practical experiences, they will be able to go back to their own organisations with a wealth of knowledge about how to make progress on LGBTI workplace inclusion.