August 30th, 2023, Leiden
Women & Academia @WorkplacePride and the strategic alliance of the LDE Universities, the LUMC, and Erasmus MC are happy to present an event that will explore the difference between genders in the workplace and how this affects productivity, innovation, sense of belonging and psychological safety among cis-women, lesbian, bisexual, trans-, and queer (LBTQ+) people.
Exploration of the differences between genders
The Women and Academia Workplace Pride communities, explore the differences between genders: e.g., ideas brought forward by women are much more easily dismissed than ideas from their male counterparts. This doesn’t contribute to a sense of belonging and psychological safety, affecting cis-women and predominantly lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LBTQ+) people. In turn, this will lead to reduced productivity and innovation. The Women@Workplace Pride Community would like to take this subject with you to the next level in this event since this topic was already put on the agenda at the Workplace Pride’s international conference in Utrecht last May. Furthermore, this event is well timed as it coincides with the first Leiden Pride.
Our keynote speaker is Prof. Annelien Bredenoord, rector magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam, who will cover the development of policies, procedures and practices that promote an inclusive environment, not only for the LGBTIQ+ community but also more broadly in society. She will discuss Erasmus University Rotterdam’s approach to diversity and inclusion in the diverse city of Rotterdam, emphasising intersectionality. She will cover best practices, like the IDEA Center (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access), and share her personal story.
Date: Wednesday 30th of August
Time: 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Location: Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum(LUMC), Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden, at
lecture hall 6 (Buruma hall)
Audience: All Workplace Pride members & anyone interested in Inclusion & LGBTQI+ topics
The event is in-person and will be partially streamed (see programme) and recorded for those not able to attend. Please register using the Registration form
This event is initiated by Women@Workplace Pride and organised with Academia@WorkplacePride with the strategic alliance of the LDE Universities, the LUMC, and Erasmus MC.
We want the event to be accessible to everyone. We hope that viewing a live stream contributes to this. Please note that the event location is wheelchair accessible. We will make sure to ask the speakers to articulate clearly. We very much welcome your suggestions for how we can be more inclusive.
Looking forward to seeing you there (or online)!
14:00 – 14:30 Welcoming at the LUMC with coffee and tea
14:30 – 14:40 The journey of Women@Workplace Pride by the lead of the Women@WP
Angelique Meul (she/her) – streamed
14:40 – 15:45 Break-out sessions, and follow up
15:45 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 16:45 Lecture “Inclusive academia in the age of super diversity” by Prof. dr.
Annelien Bredenoord. Followed by an interactive conversation led by Prof.
dr. Annelien Bredenoord. Followed by an interactive conversation led by
Prof. dr. Martine de Vries – both streamed
16:45 – 17:00 Launch of LDE Pride
The Leiden University, TU Delft, and Erasmus University Rotterdam work
together in the strategic alliance of the LDE Universities. The Pride networks
of these universities, together with the LUMC and Erasmus MC, now joined
forces as the LDE Pride Network — streamed
17:00 – 18:00 Drinks & Bites