Fostering Workplace Inclusion: Collaboration between CSOs and Businesses Takes Centre Stage

Deputy Ambassador Robert Dekker, Initiator of the event

Skopje, North Macedonia – On June 22, 2023, Europe House hosted a significant roundtable discussion titled “Culture of Inclusion at the Workplace: Strategies for Success.” Organised by the Netherlands Embassy in Skopje, North Macedonia, the event aimed to bridge the gap between local LGBTIQ+ Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and businesses, fostering understanding and cooperation.

Workplace Pride, invited by the Netherlands Embassy, played a pivotal role in the discussion. David Pollard, Executive Director of Workplace Pride, shared the organisation’s extensive experience in the field, highlighting key initiatives such as measurement, training, events, knowledge sharing, and societal engagement to promote LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion.

Pollard emphasised the shared interests and opportunities for collaboration between CSOs and businesses. He underscored that businesses can benefit from working with CSOs by understanding the perspectives of their LGBTIQ+ employees and clients, positioning themselves as forward-looking enterprises, and attracting young talent. Conversely, CSOs can engage businesses as allies in promoting greater acceptance of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Macedonian society, gaining increased support and potential sources of funding.

David Pollard, Exec. Director of Workplace Pride Foundation

To illustrate practical methods for bridging the gap between CSOs and businesses, the discussion utilised the Workplace Pride Civil Society Toolkit. The toolkit highlighted how CSOs can effectively work with businesses on mutually beneficial terms.

According to Pollard’s assessment, both local businesses and LGBTIQ+ CSOs recognised the value of closer collaboration. This pioneering event marked a crucial first step in breaking down barriers in a region that has often displayed hesitation or hostility toward greater inclusion of LGBTIQ+ individuals in society.

The roundtable discussion at Europe House served as a catalyst for fostering a culture of inclusion at the workplace. By bringing together CSOs and businesses, the event laid the foundation for future collaborations that will drive positive change and enhance the acceptance of LGBTIQ+ people in North Macedonian society.

#WorkplacePride #LGBTIQ+Inclusion #InclusiveSociety