Workplace Pride Surveys
The Workplace Pride employee surveys have been created to measure the perceptions and opinions of LGBTIQ+ people in the workplace worldwide. As we enter a new decade, the scope of our surveys need to broaden to include the concept of asking employees “what they think” regarding LGBTIQ+ inclusion as opposed to solely the employers perspectives.
Our surveys have two distinctly differing versions:
The Global Employee Survey (GES)
The Workplace Pride Global Employee Survey (GES):
This ongoing version supports the scientific research of the Workplace Pride Chair at Leiden University, Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn. The goal here is to provide empirically scientific data from potentially any LGBTIQ+ person (and their colleagues worldwide) on how they perceive their employer’s policies and practices on LGBTIQ+ inclusion. The GES will be ongoing throughout the year.
The Organisational Employee Survey (OES)
The Workplace Pride Organisational Employee Survey (OES):
This new version primarily targets employees working for Workplace Pride Member organisations. It can be used as a ‘control mechanism’ for participants of the Workplace Pride Global Benchmark to determine how their policies and practices that are measured via the Global Benchmark, are actually perceived by their employees.
The OES is strictly anonymous. Responses are collected in a separate survey for each participating organisation. The OES is free to Workplace Pride Members. Results formats are differentiated based upon membership level.
Non Workplace Pride Members may participate in the OES for a fee.
Q: How can we implement the OES?
Q: There are already numerous surveys, so why should we choose the OES?
Q: How do we make our employees enthusiastic enough to fill it in?
Q: How do you position it with the proper channels in your organisation to get a buy in?
Q: What does it cost?
Q: How much time will it take our employees to fill out the OES?
Q: Could I take questions out of the survey and use them on our own?
Q: When will the results be released?
Q: Can you compare the OES and the Global Benchmark surveys?
Q: Can we identify which of our employees filled out the OES?
A: No. The OES is strictly anonymous.
Q: Are the results published externally?
Q: Will the OES be used for scientific purposes?
Q: Will the OES have an award at the Gala?
A: This is a possibility that is currently being explored.
Q: What does it cost for non-members to participate in the OES?
Q: How often can we do the OES?
A: A maximum of once per year for Workplace Pride members.
Q: Will we be able to identify trends over the years?
Q: Is the OES only meant solely for LGBTI people to complete?
Q: How will privacy be ensured with the OES?
Q: Can we customise the OES? Are there IP rights on the survey?
Q: How will the OES be branded?
Q: Will this help us to determine if we are doing the right things with our LGBTI inclusion efforts at work?
For more information please write to [email protected]