Important News – Conference Lite Cancelled

In light of this weeks official announcements regarding the escalation of the COVID-19 situation and subsequent effects on social gatherings, distancing and travel, it is with deep regret that we have to make the logical decision to cancel the Conference Lite event at the WTC in Rotterdam on the 9th of October.

Everyone at Workplace Pride is indeed sad that our leaders, partners and members won’t have this much needed opportunity that the conference would afford them to discuss the shifting tides of LGBTI diversity and inclusion in the workplace, especially during the ongoing global pandemic at this stage.

Despite the cancellation of the conference, Workplace Pride will continue adapting to our members needs as we diversify our support strategies in keeping with our evolution this year with our Keeping Members Connected webinars and the New Horizons magazine.

From us all at Workplace Pride we hope you are staying safe and we look forward to a future of forging new opportunities to connect and strengthen LGBTI inclusivity and diversity in workplaces worldwide!

Warm regards,

David Pollard
Executive Director
Workplace Pride Foundation