Nederland was in 2001 het eerste land ter wereld dat het burgerlijk huwelijk openstelde voor twee partners van hetzelfde geslacht, in 2003 volgde België. Sindsdien is het burgerlijk huwelijk ook opengesteld in achtereenvolgens Spanje, Canada, Zuid-Afrika, Noorwegen, Zweden, Portugal, IJsland, Argentinië, Denemarken (later ook Groenland en de Faeröer), Brazilië, Frankrijk, Uruguay, Nieuw-Zeeland, Luxemburg, de Verenigde […]

What are your needs?

For this purpose, we will be holding an ‘inventory' meeting with our Foundation Leaders and Partners. The outcome will help us flesh out the “Keeping Members Connected” initiative of our redesigned 2020 Outreach Platform and will be held on: Agenda for the discussion will include:  Short re-cap of Workplace Pride’s re-designed 2020 Outreach Platform & new website updateMedium to […]

Keeping Members Connected (Young@WorkplacePride)

Zoom details in personal email , United States

Our generation fought for basic rights; your generation expects them hosted by Young@WorkplacePride What is the next step for LGBTI inclusion in the workplace: a conversation between experience groups hosted by Young@WorkplacePride In the third event of our “Keeping Members Connected” series, Young@WorkplacePride invites you to share your thoughts about what the future of LGBTI+ inclusion looks […]

Keeping Members Connected (B.proud by

Timezone Amsterdam,Berlin (CEST) Work hard and B.proud Hosted by In the fourth live webinar event of our “Keeping Members Connected” series,'s B.proud network global chair and co-chair of B.Proud will share their vision on the journey so far : How did B.proud get here? What did they learn along the way?What have we been doing to support […]

Elsevier Pride Virtual Panel discussion

Timezone: CEST Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Elsevier Pride invites you to attend a panel discussion where we will discuss the implications of COVID-19 on the LGBTQI community. What are the implications of Covid-19 for people with HIV? Are people who are HIV+ while on medication lead to higher risks to Covid-19? Is there any […]