Workplace Pride Webinar: Introduction of LGBTIQ+ acronym

Workplace Pride has decided to expand our descriptive acronym from LGBTI to LGBTIQ+ Are acronyms a necessary evil? Will they keep expanding?  For Workplace Pride, the “Q" in Queer has many facets which play out differently across generations. How can we get those who feel the historical stigma around the term to change their minds? For […]

Rainbow Families Webinar

Our aim is to introduce Workplace Pride’s international member base and friends to the existence of “Rainbow families”. Shedding light and ideas about how rainbow families are constructed. The speakers will discuss the inherent issues and complexities, as well as how these could affect employment (and conditions). We hope to inspire Workplace Pride’s members and […]

TEDDY AWARD at the International Film Festival in Berlin

The TEDDY AWARD is a societal engaged political award, which is given to films and people, that communicate queer themes and content on a large scale and contribute with this to more tolerance, acceptance, solidarity, and equality in society. The TEDDY AWARD has with this not only cultural importance. As long as queer life is […]

International Woman’s Day matters for LGBTQI+ people

Lesbian, bisexual and transgender women are facing even greater disadvantages because of their sexual orientation and gender identity and as a result often suffer from multiple discrimination and disadvantages. We know that there is, and always has been, more that unites us than divides us. But only when we acknowledge the shared nature of our […]

Academia@Workplacepride Webinar: Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students

Our latest “Keeping Members Connected”webinar will be held on Wednesday March 24 from 12:00-13:00 CET. The primary topic will be "Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students." The topic of academia and the inherent challenges for LGBTIQ+ persons studying or working within its many layers, is an area sorely in need of attention and discussion. After the inaugural webinar […]

Trans Visibility Day

Today illustrates the importance of transgender representation worldwide, especially as transgender and gender-nonconforming people face risks every day. According to a recent Gallup poll, 11.3 percent of LGBT adults identify as transgender, yet when it comes to representation in the media, there are only 29 transgender characters across prime-time broadcast, cable, and streaming originals, according to […]

IBM and Workplace Pride collaborate in LGBTIQ+ innovation

Although LGBTIQ+ people are protected by laws addressing employment and other forms of discrimination in a growing proportion of countries, there remain far too many LGBTIQ+ people around the globe whose rights are not protected. In many countries, LGBTIQ+ citizens are breaking laws just by being themselves. Even in legally progressive nations, many LGBTIQ+ people […]

Lesbian Visibility Week

Lesbian Visibility Week aims to show our solidarity with every woman within the LGBTIQ+ community, as well as celebrate lesbians. It is essential that Lesbian Visibility Week is a voice for unity and lifts up ALL women, especially those who come from marginalised communities. Recent research (Pride Matters survey, conducted by Pride In London 2018) […]

Intersectionality Webinar hosted by Catalyst

In recognition of Lesbian Visibility Week, Workplace Pride is joining forces with our strategic partner, Catalyst for our latest “Keeping Members Connected” webinar entitled "Intersectionality – Rising to the challenge to be yourself at work”. This fascinating and timely webinar being held on Thursday, April 29th from 15:00-1600 CET, will explore the many ways people […]


The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is observed on May 17 and aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide. By 2016, the commemorations had taken place in 132 countries across the globe