Keeping Members Connected (Young@WorkplacePride)

Zoom details in personal email , United States

Our generation fought for basic rights; your generation expects them hosted by Young@WorkplacePrideWhat is the next step for LGBTI inclusion in the workplace: a conversation between experience groups hosted by Young@WorkplacePrideIn the third event of our “Keeping Members Connected” series, Young@WorkplacePride invites you to share your thoughts about what the future of LGBTI+ inclusion looks like in […]

Keeping Members Connected (B.proud by

Timezone Amsterdam,Berlin (CEST)Work hard and B.proud Hosted by Booking.comIn the fourth live webinar event of our “Keeping Members Connected” series,'s B.proud network global chair and co-chair of B.Proud will share their vision on the journey so far :How did B.proud get here? What did they learn along the way?What have we been doing to support our community during […]

Keeping Members Connected (UN Standards Tool Kit)

CEST TimezoneLaunching and Walk Through of Workplace Pride’s UN LGBTI Standards ToolkitWe are pleased to invite you to the 5th live webinar in our “Keeping Members Connected” series:  Launch and Walk through of Workplace Pride’s UN LGBTI Standards ToolkitThe Workplace Pride Toolkit is designed to help organisations implement the United Nations' LGBTI Standards for Business Conduct. The toolkit provides organisations […]

Keeping Members Connected (Tech@WorkplacePride)

CEST TimezoneThere is Always a Rainbow in the Cloud hosted by Tech@WorkplacePrideWe are pleased to invite you to the 7th live webinar in our “Keeping Members Connected” series: There is always a Rainbow in the cloud  hosted by Tech@WorkplacePride. In a resilient democracy, laws exist to prevent governments from collecting data against specific groups of people.Given the recent […]

Keeping Members Connected (Transgender inclusion)

Live Webinar , Netherlands

CEST TimezoneSubject: I AM A NEW ME hosted by ING For this webinar, our focus is the Transgender community. A specific subgroup within the LGBT sphere that deals with the complex process of transition. For many people, COVID-19 means “quarantine” but for anyone who needs medical care the impact is far greater and more serious.How can […]

Keeping Members Connected (Public Sector)

CEST TimezoneHoe dragen LHBTI+ netwerken binnen de publieke sector bij aan een inclusieve organisatiecultuur?We are pleased to invite you to the 9th live webinar in our “Keeping Members Connected” series. This webinar will be held in Dutch with the title: "Hoe dragen LHBTI+ netwerken binnen de publieke sector bij aan een inclusieve organisatiecultuur?",  and will be hosted by Public […]

IBM and Workplace Pride collaborate in LGBTIQ+ innovation

Although LGBTIQ+ people are protected by laws addressing employment and other forms of discrimination in a growing proportion of countries, there remain far too many LGBTIQ+ people around the globe whose rights are not protected. In many countries, LGBTIQ+ citizens are breaking laws just by being themselves. Even in legally progressive nations, many LGBTIQ+ people […]

2024 International Conference

Anna van Buerenplein 29, 2595 DA Den Haag

We would like to invite you to our 2024 International Conference “The Future We Choose: Practical Steps and Global Perspectives,” scheduled for 14 June, 2024, in The Hague, Netherlands.