Inspiration through solid leadership and acknowledging true LGBTIQ+ leaders 2021 has seen a pandemic-weary world slowly re-open and it’s clear that things have changed. Last year saw cultures and societies straining under the pressure. Yet, despite all the obstacles, people soldiered on while leading the way for broader inclusion for…

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Results of the 2021 Global Benchmark were celebrated at the Leadership Awards Gala on October 29.  Read more about the 2021 top-scoring organizations, score trending, overall highlights and areas of focus in the official report here. Download our 2021 Global Benchmark Results here: 2021 Global Benchmark Analysis & Results To…

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Tickets are still available, get yours now! REGISTER HERE Workplace Pride is pleased to announce the top nominees per category for our 2021 Leadership Awards Gala. The winners of the 5 categories, as well as the top-scoring organizations…

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NCOD was inaugurated in 1988 by Robert Eichberg and Jean O’Leary. Eichberg, who died in 1995 of complications from AIDS, was a psychologist from New Mexico and the founder of the personal growth workshop “The Experience”. O’Leary was an openly …

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A 2018 study from Out Now Global found that 41% of LGBTQI+ 18-25-year-olds returned to the closet when starting their first job. Women aged 18-35 report being ‘out to all’ at work 29% of the time while men in the same age range are out 44% of the time.

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Workplace Inclusion Day August 18th was kicked off with an empowering speech by the Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Petra de Sutter, herself a member of the LGBTIQ+ community. With a keynote entitled “LGBTIQ Workplace Inclusion from the State level”, it really was a passionate call to action. From Left…

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In the wake of a tumultuous 2020 where countless social norms were deeply affected by the global pandemic, Workplace Pride made the difficult decision to hold a truly hybrid conference at the Amsterdam Theatre on the 25th of June, 2021. With a global online audience of over 400 and a live…

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“My company or organization should take a more assertive public position on LGBT+ inclusion and belonging”87% of the jammers agree A new report by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, and Workplace Pride provides new information on workplace discrimination faced by…

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This conference which was hosted by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Hungary and took place on IDAHOT day (May 17th, 2021), addressed a broad range of issues when it comes to LGBTI inclusion in the workplace.  The Symposium was opened by René van Hell, Ambassador of the Kingdom of…

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