Kite Pharma signs the Declaration of Amsterdam

Amsterdam 6 June, 2024. Kite Pharma, a pioneering leader in the field of cell therapy, have officially signed the Declaration of Amsterdam during the Pride Daybreaker event at their Hoofddorp office. This significant occasion emphasised the company’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace environment.

Chris Crowell – VP,  Operations – Site Head EU Manufacturing Kite Pharma with David Pollard Executive Director Workplace Pride.

As a proud member of Workplace Pride, Kite Pharma’s decision to endorse the Declaration of Amsterdam highlighted their dedication to equality and acceptance within their corporate culture. The Declaration calls for comprehensive LGBTIQ+ inclusion in workplaces across the globe, aligning with Kite Pharma’s values of diversity, respect, and innovation.

Chris Crowell, Vice President of Operations and Site Head EU Manufacturing at Kite Pharma, signed the Declaration alongside David Pollard, Executive Director of Workplace Pride.

“In these challenging times, it is important that employers take a visible stance on their support for LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion. By signing the Declaration of Amsterdam, Kite Pharma is raising the bar on their commitment, not just within their own organisation, but also externally,” said David Pollard, Executive Director, Workplace Pride.

Kaneesha A. Nadal (They/Them) Cell therapy specialist I+ at Kite Pharma

The signing ceremony took place during the Pride Daybreaker event, a celebration dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within the workplace. The event was attended by key members of Kite Pharma’s leadership team, representatives from Workplace Pride, and other inclusion groups committed to fostering inclusivity in the corporate world. It featured speeches, networking opportunities, and a discussion on the importance of LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the workplace.

Kite Pharma’s endorsement of the Declaration of Amsterdam was not just a symbolic gesture but a tangible action that demonstrated their ongoing commitment to creating a workplace where everyone could thrive. Kite Pharma hopes that this move would inspire other organisations to follow suit and prioritise inclusivity in their own workplaces.

About Kite Pharma

Founded in 2009 as a pioneer in cell therapy research, Kite’s leadership position in the immuno-oncology space was solidified with our research and development agreement with the National Cancer Institute in 2012 and when our commercial manufacturing site opened in El Segundo in 2016. Since our acquisition by biopharma leader Gilead Sciences in October 2017, our combined strength has accelerated the advancement of our pipeline, including the launch of YESCARTA® (axicabtagene ciloleucel) and TECARTUS® (brexucabtagene autoleucel), and has expanded the impact of our strategic partnerships.

As an independent operating company since 2019, we prioritise innovative R&D with the full resources, capabilities, and trust of Gilead. As a vital part of Gilead — a founding member of the Foundation for the NIH’s Partnership for Accelerating Cancer Therapies — we are devoted to advancing the understanding of cell therapy as a transformational treatment option for cancer. The combined strength of Kite and Gilead allows us to remain innovative, agile, and ambitious in our mission to keep improving the lives of people with all types of cancer.