Member Exchange Session #5 – Engaging LGBTIQ + ERGs: How do you keep the momentum going?

Member Exchange Session:  Engaging LGBTIQ+ ERG: How do you keep the momentum going ?We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Member Exchange Session, where we will explore the topic of "Sustaining Momentum in LGBTIQ+ ERGs." During this session, we will delve into valuable insights, best practices, and success stories shared by Workplace Pride members […]


NCOD was inaugurated in 1988 by Robert Eichberg and Jean O'Leary. Eichberg, who died in 1995 of complications from AIDS, was a psychologist from New Mexico and the founder of the personal growth workshop "The Experience". O'Leary was an openly lesbian political leader and long-time activist from New York, and was at the time the head of the National Gay Rights […]

Intersex Awareness Day

Intersex Awareness Day takes place on October 26 each year. For more info on the topic, click here!

Workplace Pride Impact Awards Gala

Join Us at the 10th Annual Workplace Pride Impact Awards Gala & Nominate for Awards! We are delighted to extend an invitation to you for the 10th annual Workplace Pride Impact Awards Gala - an evening dedicated to honouring those who have paved the way for LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the workplace and beyond. Event Details: […]

Trans Parent Day exists to promote TransParentDay, a day that celebrates life and the love between Transgender parents and their children. And parents and their Transgender children.

Transgender Awareness Week

Each year between November 13 – 19, people and organizations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility of transgender people and address issues members of the community face. The week before Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20, people and organizations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help […]

The human side of AI

Google Nederland, Claude Debussylaan 34, 8th floor, 1082 MD Amsterdam Claude Debussylaan 34, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Trans+@Workplace Pride & Tech@Workplace Pride kindly invite you to join us at Google Nederland for an inspiring session about the human side of AI. Location: Google Nederland, Claude Debussylaan 34, 8th floor, 1082 MD Amsterdam  Online location: Date: 16 November 2023Time: 16:00 -19:00 – including drinks & bites (Live stream from 16.00 – 17.30) The human side of […]


Every year, December 1 is observed as World AIDS Day across the globe to spread awareness about the disease and remember all those who lost their lives to it. It was first observed in 1988.

Global Leaders Council Q4

You are invited to the 2023 4th Quarter meeting of the Global Leaders Council (GLC) The GLC is an online quarterly forum in which Workplace Pride members can have a high-level discussion on strategic topics important to LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the workplace.  GLC participants should be decision-makers or major influencers within their own organisations.  An agenda will be available closer […]