LGBTI Persons of Colour Webinar Recap

From left to right: Kevin Kabatsi, Cheyenne Smaal, Aurora Guds, Winsten van Niel

With a live international audience of over 100 participants, four unique voices of LGBTI people of colour shared their passion, professionalism and humanity as they discussed the hard issues facing their community in workplaces around the globe.

Cheyenne Smaal: A successful coaching executive at Waternet, 

Cheyenne is a Hindustani Surinamese transgender person who has struggled through cultural

taboos and turned them into positive methods of transformation

Winston van Niel (Moderator): Founder of Parea Nederland, which is a growing network of LGBTQ+ professionals of colour, Winston is also a consultant in SME funds management in relation to the public sector.

Aurora Guds: Employed at the Dutch Ministry of Finance and a Board Member of their LGBTI network, ‘B/Proud’, Aurora seeks to embolden and further workplace inclusion for LGBTI people of colour.

Kevin Kabatsi: Originally from Uganda where discrimination was compounded by race and sexuality. Kevin moved to the Netherlands to find a better life and study. He is now the Program Manager for Africa at the Rabobank Foundation.

Moderated by Winston, the webinar was split into two main sections plus a Q&A. In the first section, Winston and the panel shared candid stories about their personal experiences in the workplace along with their biggest challenges around the issues that LGBTI people of colour face in 2020.

Part two of the discussion focused on workplace policies and structures. The panel discussed 

their thoughts on gender equality, D&I interventions and LGBTQ equality. Best practices and practical pieces of advice based on their own experiences provided the audience with a valuable 

opportunity to ask questions to the panel in a very lively and insightful Q&A section.

To see the webinar please click HERE

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