“Trans+ in the workplace: A Talk across Generations

Trans activists come in many forms. To dig a bit deeper into this topic the Trans+ Community at Workplace Pride organised a cross-generational talk on November 17th at the Foundation’s offices in Amsterdam. This event, which all Workplace Pride members were invited to, highlighted the experiences of two leading activists who shared their personal stories about being transgender in the workplace. 

Corine van Dun (she/her), a former journalist for public broadcast stations, transitioned in the late eighties and became active with the not-for-profit organisation Transgender Netwerk Nederland (TNN) in 2011. Corine experienced transitioning in the workplace when it was still quite new for many people in society. She shared how challenges came in seemingly fundamental aspects such as job security, alongside more subtle forms of discrimination. 

Ellen Jansen (she/her) on the other hand, has her own company and started her transition two years ago. Ellen shared how she spent a lot of time sharing her stories with her clients and employees and the (mainly positive) reactions that she was met with. 

Despite the differences between their experiences, both Corine’s and Ellen’s experiences showed how an inclusive working culture is absolutely critical for transgender people to feel welcome and remain productive at work, but also that it is just as important for the people that work with them.

The talk was hosted by Sophie Jeckmans (she/her) who is the Workplace Pride Board member who leads the Trans+@WorkplacePride Community and was moderated by Jan Broekhuizen (they/them) member of the Trans+ core team. 

To view the video of the event, click here or view below.