Workplace Pride Global Benchmark is Open!

Sign up here for the 2021 Global Benchmark Survey

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 2021 Workplace Pride Global Benchmark Survey. The Global Benchmark is an online tool designed primarily to measure the LGBTIQ+ policies and practices for internationally active employers. Participants receive a detailed report of their current situation broken down into actionable sections, which include concrete suggestions for improvement.

The survey is open from February 1st until April 16th.

Registration is free of charge to all Workplace Pride members, while non-members pay an administrative fee of €1000.- excl. VAT. You will find more information on registration and requirements on our website.


We look forward to your participation in the 2021 Global Benchmark survey. Come join the growing number of organisations that are leading the change for more inclusive workplaces!

Please contact us if you have any questions: [email protected]