On the 19th of September, Workplace Pride members were cordially invited to partake in a company visit to Eaton in Hengelo. Strategically coinciding with Coming Out Day on October 11th, the visit brought together participants from diverse tech companies for a deep discussion on the theme “Out@Work.” Exploring Company Visits…

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Workplace Pride Partners with Dutch Embassy in Rwanda and Hivos to Drive Progress This week, as part of the Free to Be Me Program, Workplace Pride, in collaboration with the Dutch Embassy in Rwanda and Hivos, convened the Kigali Socio-Economic Roundtable Discussion. This significant event brought together over 30…

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Date:October 11, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands – On this significant National Coming Out Day, Workplace Pride takes immense pleasure in unveiling the much-anticipated shortlist for the 2023 Impact Awards. These awards are a testament to the remarkable achievements of individuals and organisations who have gone above and beyond to promote diversity…

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By Myrtille Danse, Head of Corporate Engagement at Solidaridad Europeand member of the Women@Workplace Pride core group It’s pride month! A time to commemorate the struggle for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer civil rights and a chance to celebrate everything our community has accomplished. While attending last month’s…

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Amsterdam, 28th July 2023 As our dedicated volunteers, board, and staff gathered in Amsterdam, we celebrated a memorable BBQ evening, marking the successful culmination of our 2023 International Conference “Tracks of Change”. With hearts full of gratitude and joy, we extend our warmest appreciation to the incredible individuals who selflessly…

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